Why I hate the GOP...

List of idiots, dinosaurs, and cement heads....

FOX News
Rush Limbaugh
Glenn Beck
Sean Hannity
Jim De Mint
Sarah Palin
GOP Leadership House & Senate
Michael Steele
Michelle Bachmann
Ted Stevens
James Inhofe

Just where is the party of small c conservatives and ideas gone to?
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NHL - Sports League of Comedians?

"We voted to deny approval to Mr. Balsillie because we concluded he lacks the good character and integrity required of a new owner."

- Boston Bruins owner Jeremy Jacobs.

Thats right, he has $$$ and a is a highly successful businessman who loves hockey... never been to jail or under any criminal investigation. Apparently he lacks the good character and integrity of say "Boots Del Baggio" (who was given part ownership in the Nashville Predators) but.. and here's the funny part.. he didn't have any money! hahaha

Bettman and his governors - they are so funny!
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Heath Care Debate Mess - only in America

There are some more or less accepted truths in the Heath Care debate south of the border:

1) 45-50 million people do not have insurance so they must rely on personal resources, bankruptcy or covered by hospitals (who must raise their costs which are passed on to insurance companies who in turn pass it on as higher premiums to their customers);

2) One 6th of the US economy is spent on health care which is expected to rise substantially (inflation and the graying of the population);

3) Small businesses, who provide most of the jobs, are squeezed by the recession and are dropping employee coverage as a cost cutting measure;

4) Insurance company's are continuously looking for savings to increase their profit margin - pre-existing conditions are the most noteworthy;

5) Government already provides health care thru VA, Medicaid and Medicare.

6) No final health care bill has been developed... proposals are in various stages in committee on both sides of Capital Hill.

My Observations:

This is more about power and control than it is about what benefits the people - especially the middle class;

Polarization of the US has reached new highs (or lows)... its downright nasty out there between the left and the right;

The special interests, supported by the far right of the GOP and cheered by the wingnuts - Beck, Limbaugh, FOX News talking heads - are spreading such misinformation that the public is confused, bewildered and somewhat upset;

Giving the legislation to Congress was a an opportunity for bipartisan input but its turned into a minefield/graveyard for uniform thought - its like 535 shades of gray with House members considering re-election chances next year and undoubtedly several who have campaign financing courtesy of the insurance industry;

Anyone who thinks that the disruptions ongoing at town hall meetings are anything but an organized attempt to thwart change and public opinion needs their eyeballs checked. For a revealing look at this dark side, see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jy8i8FbVFyU

It will be interesting theater for those who watch this story - the unfortunate aspect is peoples lives are at risk
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Health Care in Canada

as some far right wing-nuts portray it:

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Happy August 1st

It the first day of the month and all is well.

Toronto's garbage strike is settled (Union 1 City Hall 0)... taxpayers on the hook for millions of $$$ more for those poor workers.

Via employees and management sent issues to binding arbitration and strike lasted 48 hours - a victory for common sense on both sides.

The Leafs - still tied for first place in the 2009-10 season....oh wait a minute, it hasn't started yet :p

The Blue Jays - stuck in neutral with a lame duck GM and an acting president who is the most qualified to take over but is looking for a replacement.

The Arrrrrgos - can a newly positioned NFL coach grasp the CFL and its easy going routines.. not to mention 3 downs and unlimited motion, no fair catches and the single point.... and Arland Bruce - what TD celebration does he have planned for the Labour Day game vs Hamilton.

The Weather - it sucked in July and apparently not going to be much better for August.

Politics - Canadian - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Politics - American - can special interests and the GOP scuttle any plans to improve health care? Will the Beer Summit lead to improved race relations? Will Sarah Palin ever say something intelligible?

TV - new season, 100's more reality shows... can't wait for Octomom's (oh yes I can) only watch about 8 network shows on tv... cable, movies and Brit shows plus sports keeps me going.

Actually sports and hot women keep me going :P
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